The list of reasons to avoid unprotected sex is quite long, but we will add one more. Trichomoniasis is one of the little–known sexually transmitted diseases, the transmission of which is associated with a high risk during sex without a condom. It is caused by unicellular parasites of the genus Trichomonas (trichomonas), which are still large enough not to pass through the walls of a condom.

Trichomoniasis affects women more often and with more severe consequences. Men are mostly carriers of trichomonas and are less likely to get an infection, which, however, can lead to serious complications. Infection, like the early phases of trichomoniasis, often does not cause any symptoms. Thus, many women do not even suspect that they are infected with microparasites of the genus Trichomonas.

At least until the symptoms of a vaginal infection appear – white discharge, itching in the vagina, burning when urinating. These are the first complaints that appear after infection with trichomonas. They are provoked by the disturbed balance of the vaginal microflora. Trichomonads are a kind of predators that eats beneficial vaginal lactobacilli and creates conditions for bacterial or fungal vaginal infection.

Along with unpleasant symptoms, trichomoniasis also creates a risk of more serious complications. It is possible to develop various types of uroinfections or achieve atrophy of the vaginal mucosa. The greatest risk of negative consequences occurs when infected with trichomonas during pregnancy. In these cases, there is a risk of premature birth or intrauterine fetal damage.

Successful prevention of trichomonas infection can be carried out in both sexes. As a key measure, it is recommended to avoid risky sexual contacts. As a more frequently affected group, women can also count on additional preventive measures.

They should be aimed at maintaining the balance of the vaginal flora, acting as a natural protective mechanism of the vagina from pathogenic agents. It is good to avoid vaginal douching and other intimate hygiene products containing ingredients that are aggressive to lactobacilli. The use of such products should always be agreed with the doctor.


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