7 steps to good sexual health

In the basis of good gynecological practice, it is important to consider the science of sexual and reproductive health at a very deep level. In essence, this is a whole separate medical branch that has an educational activity, the main goal of which is the prevention of venereal diseases.

  1. Sexually transmitted infections are determined by some basic signs. Among the most important are their distribution and frequency of manifestations.

According to modern studies, the frequency of sexually transmitted diseases has increased significantly, considering the sharp decline in the sexual culture of sexually active people and the prevalence of disorderly behavior in society. Often the latter causes the spread of venereal diseases in a closed “society”, for example in a family environment.

  1. An important factor in the spread of this type of infection is also the low health culture of the majority of young people. Sexually active youth are rarely tested for the most commonly transmitted microorganisms, which can actually be very dangerous for both themselves and their sexual partners. A typical example is chlamydia, which causes infertility in both men and women. Chlamydia is still called the “silent killer of dreams”.
  2. The next step is to know the most common causes of venereal diseases and their nosological units. In addition to chlamydia, the most common vaginal trichomonads, pallid spirochetes and candida can be infected during sexual contact. Human trichomoniasis, syphilis and fungal infection are among the pathogens that most often affect both sex partners. Prerequisites for their development may be unprotected sexual contact with more than one partner, as well as a low health culture and lack of regular preventive examinations.
  3. It is diagnosed with the following especially important factor, which is taken into account in educational programs on sexual and reproductive health. This is an important point, as often primary and only studies can be both false negative and false positive. The first factor is significantly more dangerous, since venereal disease can occur in a latent form and further affect the organism, as well as the sexual partner of the carrier. Another important emphasis is the accentuation of correct and modern therapeutic norms and models of behavior. This is important, because in this way a quick and radical treatment is achieved, which does not allow the possibility of damage to the body in the future, which is especially important in young people, considering the high probability of developing infertility and some of the most common infectious diseases. diseases of the urogenital tract.
  4. Family planning is often a particularly important subject of educational seminars on sexual and reproductive health. The essence of family planning is to determine the exact and clear concentration of the family and its changes. This means that the intervals between separate pregnancies must be taken into account correctly. Also at the heart of family planning are issues such as contraception, permanent sterilization and termination of unwanted pregnancy.
  5. Contraception is an especially relevant topic in modern obstetrics and gynecology. The reason is that in many young women there is a hormonal imbalance, in which the level of naturally produced estrogens drops sharply. In this regard, concomitant or basic therapy is prescribed with contraceptives that introduce artificial estrogens and promote the proper development of a young woman. Subsequently, when the desire to become pregnant appears, the therapy is interrupted for a few days immediately before the attempt to conceive. Also, the issue of safe sex between partners who do not wish to become pregnant and do not use other means of protection is at the heart of the thematic consideration and discussion of the issue of contraception. These are most often partners who are strict in their sexual hygiene and do not allow disordered desire to prevail.
  6. According to many experts in obstetrics and gynecology, regular prophylactic examinations are important, as such screening is carried out in a way that allows early detection of some diseases of the female genital area, which may have negative consequences in the future. . A typical example of this is the development of cervical cancer, which begins to show its own specific symptoms when therapeutic methods are minimized without surgery.


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