Candidiasis in men diagnosis and treatment

How is candidiasis diagnosed in men?

Candidiasis in men diagnosis and treatment. If you suspect candidiasis, you should seek medical attention. The doctor will be able to exclude or confirm the possibility of a sexually transmitted disease and establish a fungal infection.

The infection can usually be diagnosed based on the symptoms and appearance of the site of infection, and by taking a skin sample by gently scraping the top layer of the skin. The sample is then placed on a glass slide and treated with a preparation containing potassium hydroxide, which helps to see the fungus under a microscope. If a doctor suspects a sexually transmitted disease, laboratory tests may be needed.

How to treat candidiasis in men?

If the patient has already had a candidal infection on another occasion and recognizes the symptoms, they may self-treat with a topical antifungal cream. The application of an antifungal cream is usually necessary twice a day.

A corticosteroid cream in addition to an antifungal cream can help with itching and swelling, but it’s a good idea to check with your doctor before using this product, as a corticosteroid can cause a yeast infection to persist and even get worse.

The usual choice of treatment for yeast infection in men that do not affect the penis is to use a topical cream containing clotrimazole or miconazole. If any adverse reaction occurs to these medications, your doctor may prescribe a nystatin cream.

Men with a severe yeast infection or a yeast infection that affects the penis may need to take prescription antifungal tablets, such as fluconazole.

What is needed to recover from candidiasis in men?

  • The use of an antifungal cream should control the infection within a few weeks. Sexual contact should be limited so as not to irritate the infected area and not to transmit the infection to a sexual partner. You must use a condom during sex. Once the infection has cleared up, the following steps should be taken to prevent another yeast infection:
  • Remember to retract the foreskin every day and rinse the head of the penis well.
  • Deodorants, shower gels, or scented soaps should not be used when washing the penis and foreskin, as they can cause irritation and fungus.
  • Loose cotton underwear should be worn so as not to create a warm and humid environment conducive to the growth of fungi.
  • Avoid wearing tight underwear made of artificial materials, as well as tight jeans.


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