Early menopause: increasingly common

The etymology of the word “climacteric” from the English language is “climax”, after which a gradual decline begins. It is believed that this period of a woman’s life is characterized by an inability to give birth, a predisposition to diseases, aging of the body, less attention from the opposite sex, etc.

In Chinese, menopause is called “gan Nien qi”, which translates as “a period of rebirth, a new beginning.” Indeed, during this period, the personal qualities of a woman are manifested in full force.

The term “early menopause” is used for cases when it occurs before the age of 40 years. Menopause marks the end of a woman’s reproductive capacity. This is a natural phenomenon that usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55.

Why does this condition occur earlier?

It may be due to other diseases such as premature ovarian wasting, autoimmune diseases, chromosomal abnormalities, and infections such as tuberculosis and mumps.

Other reasons may be: stress, smoking, polluted environment, inactivity, lack of sleep, genetic predisposition, and consumption of processed foods – all this disrupts the hormonal balance.

The reason is also considered strict diets and constant weight fluctuations. Too thin women often experience a lack of estrogen, because these hormones are deposited in the subcutaneous fat.

Obesity is a risk factor for the development of polycystic ovary syndrome, one of the main causes of early menopause. However, going on a strict diet is not a solution to the problem, because the lack of nutrients in the first place disrupts the functioning of the ovaries. Thus, the body saves resources, since the reproductive function is not of vital importance to the body.

The changes that occur during menopause contribute to the development of several symptoms:

  1. Infertility – the end of a woman’s reproductive life is coming and it is no longer possible to conceive a child.
  2. Irregular menstruation is one of the most common symptoms of early menopause. The cycle can be heavier or lighter, and the intervals between two periods can become either shorter or longer until it completely disappears.
  3. Vaginal changes. Vaginal dryness is also one of the symptoms. The amount of estrogen in the body decreases, which makes the vagina thinner and less elastic. Sex can be painful. However, there are various ways to avoid vaginal dryness and improve your sex life.
  4. Hot flashes As the name suggests, these are sensations of heat that occur spontaneously and are usually most intense in the chest, neck and face. The frequency of hot flashes can vary from several times a week to several times a day. There are various medications that can help with hot flashes.
  5. Headaches and emotional problems
    Headaches are common among women going through early menopause. They may also experience emotional symptoms such as anxiety, irritability, low self-esteem, depression, and clouding of consciousness.


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