Tag: Sex

  • Sterilization – as the last method of contraception

    Sterilization – as the last method of contraception

    Sterilization is a permanent method of contraception for both men and women. In women, the method is to cut the fallopian tubes. Most often, the laparoscopic method uses electrocoagulation of the fallopian tube in at least three or more places along its length. It can also be done through a minilaparotomy, as well as during…

  • Emergency contraception

    Emergency contraception

    Emergency contraception or a pill the next morning Emergency contraception means any method of preventing unwanted pregnancy used after sexual intercourse or before implantation of the embryo into the lining of the uterus. The effectiveness of emergency contraception is 75-89%. Basically, emergency contraception is reduced to two methods – a hormonal method known as a…

  • Does marijuana increase sexual desire?

    Does marijuana increase sexual desire?

    It is not yet clear whether marijuana enhances sexual desire and to what extent, but there are plenty of such theories. Maybe people who use weed are sexier. This is due to its effect on relaxation and stress relief. Internal barriers are collapsing, and the pleasure of sharing sexual preferences remains says sex therapist Amanda…

  • If you want more sex, sleep more!

    If you want more sex, sleep more!

    Have you ever felt too tired to have sex? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one. According to a new in-depth study, women over 50 who sleep less than 7 hours a day are less sexually active than those who do not neglect sleep. The problem worsens with age. Studies show that sleep disorders affect…

  • lack of sex affects women’s health

    lack of sex affects women’s health

    What are the negative health consequences of long-term abstinence from sex? Loss of libido According to some sexologists, the lack of sex reduces libido. The less often we have sex, the less we begin to feel its lack. This may be due to the fact that when we are not having sex, we have less…

  • Sexual health

    Sexual health

    Sexual health and sexual rights Coming up with a precise definition of sexual health is a difficult task, as each culture, subculture, and individual has different standards regarding sexuality. However, we can safely say that sexual health goes beyond the issues of unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. With this in mind, the World Health…

  • Barrier methods of contraception

    Barrier methods of contraception

    Barrier methods of contraception – condoms and cervical cap Barrier methods of contraception prevent pregnancy by preventing male germ cells (sperm) from entering female cells (eggs). Examples of this type of contraception are condoms, a cervical cap, a sponge, and others. A condom is a type of barrier method of contraception available in both male…

  • Pros and cons of using oral contraceptives

    Pros and cons of using oral contraceptives

    Pros and cons of using oral contraceptives. The main advantages of oral contraceptives: Dysmenorrhea – painful menstruation. All oral contraceptives have an effect on dysmenorrhea because they inhibit proliferation (growth) and hypervascularization (increased formation of endometrial vessels) of the endometrium due to the ovulation-blocking effect. In anovulatory cycles (not preceding ovulation) in women who do…